Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Maulwurf Studio & Zeashia post FINAL VIDEO for the summer which will PREMIERE ON FIRST DAY OF HIATUS

 This may be our final video of the summer. Thank you for being with us during these busy months! We will see you again in the winter (if not in the fall)! Remember, we’re still up and running on our SECOND BLOG where we’ll be working on our Webcomic “PURRSEVERANCE!!!”.

We hope you all have a stellar autumn! We know we will! See you later, everyone!

[COMIC NEWS] Meet the main cast of our "Purrseverance!!!" Webcomic! (They're sooo cute!)

Here they are! Our main cast for our webcomic, “Purrseverance!!!”! ICESat-2, a 5 year old satellite who is very fond of his rover friend’s presence, Sputnik 1, an elder satellite who was taken in as a stray after he was found in a nearby tree, Cygnus, a 6 year old CubeSat who cares deeply for Sputnik 1’s wellbeing, and Perseverance, a 2 (and a half) year old Mars rover and the youngest of the bunch, who expresses his happiness and contentment with his adorable purring noises, hence the title of the webcomic. The characters are shown to wear collars as they are pets. They also have “paws” as they are anthropomorphized to match their cuddly and pet-like behavior and appearance.


Monday, August 14, 2023

WE MADE MORE FANFICTION! (+ get a first look at some of our webcomic episode plots on the same page!)

 We made some more fanfiction of the Spirit and Opportunity Rovers. We've also added some leaks for our upcoming webcomic "PURRSEVERANCE!!!" Now available on a new page on our blog! 

Do keep in mind, the comic itself will be on a SECOND BLOG, beginning this autumn!

Have fun reading!

Saturday, August 12, 2023

[COMIC NEWS] - "PURRSEVERANCE!!!" COMIC to be posted on SECOND BLOG during early autumn!

It looks like we won't *technically* be going on HIATUS as we're opening a SECOND blog this fall! Our new "Purrseverance!!!" comic will be posted on a new blog, which we'll be using to, of course, post our comic episodes! So it looks like we'll still be busy, just not on our main blog. Our second blog is currently in preparation right at this moment!

[SAD-ish NEWS] We are nearing just 1 WEEK away from HIATUS

 Well, everyone, it's been a very productive summer! We'll be making our final posts within the next couple days or so before we say "see you later" before the winter! We may even cheat a little and post during the fall if Maulwurf Studio lets us, though she has a very tight college schedule. It will be hard to say goodbye for the summer. But it must be done! See you in the holidays everyone... well, almost!

New ROVER FANFICTION now available! (but it's a little disturbing)


We're returning the famous scrapyard that nearly killed Cygnus in "The Cygnus Trial"! Now it's Spirit's turn to get destroyed!

This fanfiction is rated +17 and may not be for everyone!

If you are or above 17 and are uncomfortable with the violent or disturbing content in this story , then we strongly recommend not reading it!

Monday, August 7, 2023

[BIG NEWS!!] "COSMIC PETS" is getting its own Comic Series (but it will be called something else)

 It's OFFICIAL! A "COSMIC PETS" comic series/ comic strip/ webcomic is in the works, as of this week! However, it will go by a different name.

While the Cosmic Pets are the main plot of this comic, it will mainly revolve around the Perseverance Rover as he interacts with the other pets hence the name we chose for this "series".

Here is some more context on the upcoming comic:

"Purrseverance!!!"  (alternate name: "Good boy, Percy"), is a comic strip/webcomic that revolves around the Perseverance Rover. however, instead of exploring Mars, like his fellow rovers, he is instead kept as a house-pet by two quirky roommates who keep a mesmerizing array of space objects as pets, including satellites, black holes, and an expectant skyhook. as the recent addition to this band of "cosmic pets", he must learn to get along with his new family no matter how much trouble they get him into. 

We're not sure when the first panels will be released, but there is a good chance we can still post these comics even during hiatus, which may be the only thing we may post, due to an extreme work schedule.


 We didn't think it would be done this early but our COMPLETE GUIDE to the Rofur species is OFFICIALLY up and running on our blog! We may make slight updates on the page every now and then, but it's pretty much complete!

[ART] - We made Rosetta SCARY! (art by Maulwurf Studio)

The first of a (possibly limited) series of "gory" fan-made Spacecraft artwork by Maulwurf Studio & Zeashia! 


Sunday, August 6, 2023

[ANIMATIC] - Perseverance & Ingenuity meet Curiosity (and discover "water" on Mars) Animated by Maulwurf Studio & Zeashia

Our first ANIMATIC has been released! We know that, in reality, Perseverance and Curiosity will never meet each other, but we've decided to make an entertaining scenario in which they actually did... and it's absolutely hilarious! We've also added an element where they may have discovered water that "isn't" water, possibly leading to possibilities that there may be SOMEONE ELSE with them. Again, this is a completely FICTIONAL scenario, so none of this may ever happen... but it might!

The audio is from a clip of the animated movie "Monster House" someone on TikTok had voiced over.

You may also notice "slight changes" in the characters' designs over the span of the animatic. This is because both Maulwurf Studio and Zeashia were drawing at the same time and both artists have very similar, yet slightly different art styles.


TWO NEW TRIBUTE VIDEOS RELEASED (Rosetta Spacecraft & Perseverance Rover)

We've been pretty busy on Youtube recently! Here are some videos we've posted recently as tributes to our favorite spacecrafts!

This video just premiered today, the 9th anniversary since the Rosetta Spacecraft landed on the comet "67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko). 

Our Perseverance Rover video (the shorts version) is INSANELY POPULAR... views-wise, at least! The views on this tribute video has surpassed the amount on our Kurzgesagt 10th anniversary video by more than 100 views!


Maulwurf Studio & Zeashia post FINAL VIDEO for the summer which will PREMIERE ON FIRST DAY OF HIATUS

  This may be our final video of the summer. Thank you for being with us during these busy months! We will see you again in the winter (if n...