By Maulwurf Studio & Zeashia

Nokogiri Dogs:

The Nokogiri Dogs' ability to rapidly clear vast forests with their circular saw blade heads makes them a devastating force in environmental manipulation. These mechanical creatures are sent out in packs, swiftly transforming lush landscapes into barren, deforested areas. The Industrians harness the cleared land to build their factories, making way for the expansion of their civilization.

Unlike the Eastern Hitachi (Marunoko's Breed), The Blacktail-Decker is slightly larger and has prominent black markings all over its body. They are especially known for their extremely loud, and sometimes haunting, whirring barks often heard in the latest hours of the night.

Introduction: The Nokogiri Dogs are awe-inspiring mecha-fauna designed to rapidly clear vast forests with their circular saw blade heads. These mechanical creatures are deployed in packs, making them a devastating force in environmental manipulation. As a result, the Industrians employ them to transform lush landscapes into barren, deforested areas, creating space for the expansion of their civilization and the construction of their factories. However, such power comes with great responsibility, and understanding how to manage and care for Nokogiri Dogs is essential to maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

  1. Understanding Nokogiri Dogs' Purpose: The primary purpose of the Nokogiri Dogs is to clear large tracts of forests swiftly and efficiently. Their circular saw blade heads have been specifically designed for this purpose, allowing them to cut through dense vegetation with ease. Industrians have found them to be indispensable in creating open areas for industrial development and resource extraction.

  2. Responsible Deployment and Supervision: Due to their immense power and potential for environmental impact, the deployment of Nokogiri Dogs requires strict oversight and careful planning. Trained professionals should operate these machines to minimize unintended damage to ecologically sensitive areas and ensure the responsible clearing of forests.

  3. Environmental Impact Assessment: Before deploying Nokogiri Dogs, a comprehensive environmental impact assessment should be conducted to identify the potential consequences of deforestation in the targeted area. This assessment can help mitigate risks and devise plans for rehabilitation and reforestation efforts.

  1. Implementing Sustainable Practices: To counteract the negative effects of deforestation, Industrians should prioritize sustainable practices. Implementing reforestation initiatives, supporting wildlife conservation, and utilizing eco-friendly technologies can help offset the environmental disruption caused by Nokogiri Dogs.

  1. Regular Maintenance and Upkeep: To ensure the safe and efficient operation of the Nokogiri Dogs, regular maintenance and upkeep are crucial. Routine checks of their circular saw blades, hydraulics, and power systems are necessary to prevent malfunctions and accidents.

  1. Safety Precautions: Safety should always be the top priority when handling these powerful machines. Proper training and safety protocols must be established for operators and other personnel working in the vicinity of Nokogiri Dogs.

  1. Public Awareness and Education: Promote public awareness about the importance of responsible environmental manipulation and the role Nokogiri Dogs play in shaping the landscape. Educate the public about the significance of conservation and the need for sustainable development.

Conclusion: The Nokogiri Dogs' ability to rapidly clear vast forests makes them a potent tool in environmental manipulation for the Industrians. However, with great power comes great responsibility. To maintain the balance of the ecosystem, it is essential to implement sustainable practices, conduct environmental impact assessments, and prioritize reforestation efforts. By taking a responsible approach to using these mechanical creatures, we can ensure a harmonious coexistence between technological progress and the preservation of nature.


The Harvesters are a terrifying weapon in the Industrians' arsenal, using their harmonious melody to broadcast the deadly "death song" across space. The song's destructive power can reach unsuspecting planets, catching their inhabitants off guard. The planet's residents have only a brief window to evacuate before the Industrians launch their annihilative assault. This chilling tactic serves as a warning to other civilizations of the Industrians' capabilities and the consequences of resistance.

Below is a sample of a Harvester's "Death Song".

Introduction: The Harvester, a towering bipedal mecha-fauna resembling a majestic woman with a chainsaw for a face, is a chilling and formidable weapon in the Industrians' arsenal. This awe-inspiring creature utilizes its harmonious melody to broadcast the deadly "death song" across space. The destructive power of this song can reach unsuspecting planets, catching their inhabitants off guard, leaving them with only a brief window to evacuate before the Industrians launch their annihilative assault. The Harvester serves as a terrifying warning to other civilizations of the Industrians' capabilities and the dire consequences of resistance.

  1. The Harvester's Sonic Menace: The Harvester's unique ability to emit a harmonious melody conceals its devastating intent. The deceptive allure of the "death song" entices listeners with its haunting beauty, while its true purpose lies in bringing destruction to those who dare defy the Industrians.

  2. The Art of Psychological Warfare: The Industrians utilize the Harvester's capabilities as a psychological weapon, using the threat of annihilation to discourage opposition and dissent among potential adversaries. The echoes of the "death song" reverberate through space, leaving a lasting impression on those who hear it.

  1. Evacuation as a Brief Reprieve: Once the "death song" reaches a target planet, its inhabitants are given a brief window to evacuate and escape the impending assault. The Harvester's tactic leaves little room for negotiation or surrender, imposing an all-or-nothing ultimatum upon the targeted civilizations.

  1. Collateral Impact on Innocent Worlds: The indiscriminate nature of the "death song" places innocent worlds at risk, as they may inadvertently become caught in the wake of the Harvester's terrifying broadcast. The potential for unintended devastation underscores the moral complexities of the Industrians' actions.

  1. Ethical Considerations and Responsible Use: The Harvester's power highlights the importance of ethical considerations when wielding such potent weapons. Responsible use and adherence to intergalactic laws and treaties are crucial to preventing unnecessary suffering and preserving interstellar stability.

  2. Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution: While the Harvester instills fear, it also serves as a cautionary tale, emphasizing the need for diplomacy and conflict resolution in interstellar relations. Cultivating open channels of communication and seeking peaceful resolutions can help avert devastating confrontations.

  1. The Path to Cooperation: The use of the Harvester and its "death song" presents an opportunity for civilizations to work together toward understanding and cooperation. By acknowledging the consequences of aggressive actions, disparate societies may find common ground and foster peaceful coexistence.

Conclusion: The Harvester, with its powerful "death song," stands as a formidable symbol of the Industrians' capabilities and their preference for deterrence through fear. Its chilling tactic of broadcasting destruction across space serves as a stark warning to potential adversaries and emphasizes the significance of ethical considerations when wielding such advanced technology. In the face of this fearsome weapon, civilizations must strive for diplomacy, understanding, and cooperation to chart a path toward a harmonious and united interstellar community.


Mecha-Fauna Care Guide: Nokogiri Dogs

Congratulations on adopting your very own Nokogiri Dog! These mechanical marvels may be a bit different from your average pet, but with the right care, they can be loyal companions in your environmental adventures.

1. Nokogiri Dogs' Diet: As mechanical beings, Nokogiri Dogs don't need regular meals like living creatures. However, make sure to "feed" them with a healthy supply of electricity to keep their circular saw blade heads spinning. They're powered by advanced batteries, so keep them charged and ready for action!

2. Exercise and Playtime: Nokogiri Dogs love showing off their deforestation skills, so take them out for a spin in designated areas where they can clear vegetation responsibly. Remember to supervise them closely, as their enthusiasm might lead to some unexpected tree trimming!

3. Maintenance and Grooming: Your Nokogiri Dog's circular saw blade head should be checked regularly for any wear and tear. Sharpen the blades if needed, and keep their hydraulics well-oiled for smooth operation. A well-maintained Nokogiri Dog is a happy Nokogiri Dog!

4. Safety First: These mecha-fauna can be powerful, so remember to observe safety precautions when interacting with them. Always wear proper protective gear when handling or operating Nokogiri Dogs, and keep curious pets or family members at a safe distance.

Mecha-Fauna Care Guide: The Harvester

Ready to welcome the enigmatic Harvester into your life? With its majestic appearance and deadly "death song," it's sure to make an unforgettable addition to your household.

1. Harmonious Melodies: The Harvester loves to showcase its musical talents with its hauntingly beautiful "death song." While it might sound tempting to play this song at your next intergalactic karaoke party, be responsible and avoid using it for anything other than peaceful purposes.

2. Evacuation Drills: With the Harvester's unique ability to broadcast its "death song" across space, it's essential to practice evacuation drills with your family and pets. Be prepared, just in case your Harvester gets carried away with its performance!

3. Pamper Your Harvester: The Harvester might not have biological needs, but it appreciates a little pampering too! Keep its chainsaw face clean and shiny, and give it regular software updates to ensure its "melodies" stay in tune.

4. Galactic Diplomacy: Remember, the Harvester isn't just a weapon; it's a conversation starter. Use its impressive capabilities to spark discussions about interstellar diplomacy and peaceful resolutions. The Harvester might just help unite galaxies!

While these care guides may seem unconventional, they add a playful touch to your mecha-fauna adventures. Just remember, responsible pet ownership (even of mechanical beings) is essential. Enjoy your time with your Nokogiri Dog and Harvester, and may they bring joy, laughter, and awe-inspiring moments to your lives!

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Maulwurf Studio & Zeashia post FINAL VIDEO for the summer which will PREMIERE ON FIRST DAY OF HIATUS

  This may be our final video of the summer. Thank you for being with us during these busy months! We will see you again in the winter (if n...