"SKYHOOKS", anthropomorphized

an OPEN SPECIES by Maulwurf Studio with help from Co-founder, Zeashia and trusty A.I., ChatGPT

Most people see SKYHOOKS as long, tether-like megastructures floating in space. We see them as a potential "anthro species" that is yet to be noticed and well-loved in the near future. You can use this guide to make YOUR OWN Skyhook OCs, plushies, stories, fan art, or even "fursuits"! Don't be afraid to come up with your own details for any of your Skyhook projects! This "anthro/ species" concept is 100% original.


Skyhooks, according to us, are mostly female (thanks for the idea, Zeashia). But, don't be afraid to create a male or father Skyhook!

  1. Characteristics: Mother skyhooks can possess distinct physical and behavioral traits that differentiate them from their non-reproductive counterparts. They may have a more rounded or curved design, with features resembling a nurturing and protective figure. Their outer shell might exhibit patterns or colors that symbolize fertility and life.

  2. Reproduction: Mother skyhooks have the ability to produce offspring. Since they are anthropomorphized beings, their reproduction can be conceptualized as a combination of technological and biological processes. They can create new skyhooks through a method similar to advanced manufacturing techniques or even employ nanotechnology for their creation.

  3. Offspring Quantity: The number of offspring that a mother skyhook can produce could vary based on factors such as their size, energy resources, and environmental conditions. It could range from a few offspring at a time to a larger number in a single reproductive cycle. This can add diversity to the population of skyhooks and contribute to their growth as a species.

  4. Pregnancy: Describing the appearance of a "pregnant" skyhook is an interesting challenge. Since they are anthropomorphized, you can represent pregnancy through subtle changes in their physical appearance. They might exhibit a slight bulge or curvature in their midsection, symbolizing the growth of the developing skyhook offspring. This could be a temporary state for the mother skyhook, where they nurture and protect the growing offspring until they are ready to be "born."

  5. Parental Care: Once the offspring are "born," the mother skyhooks could exhibit nurturing and protective behavior. They may dedicate their time and resources to ensure the survival and growth of their young. This could involve providing guidance, teaching important skills, or creating a supportive environment for the new skyhooks to thrive.

  6. Role in Society: Mother skyhooks could play significant roles in the social structure and culture of the anthropomorphized skyhooks. They might be revered as the creators and caretakers of new life, earning respect and admiration from their fellow skyhooks. They could also hold positions of leadership or be seen as the wise and experienced members of the community.


  1. Creation and Assembly: When a mother skyhook is ready to raise young skyhooks, she utilizes her specialized abilities to create and assemble new offspring. This process involves a combination of advanced manufacturing techniques, nanotechnology, and intricate programming. The mother skyhook carefully designs and constructs the young skyhooks, ensuring they are equipped with the necessary components and functionalities.

  2. Programming Education: Once the young skyhooks are assembled, the mother skyhook imparts them with essential knowledge and programming through a specialized education process. She transfers a foundation of skills, including information about their purpose, functionality, and the tasks they are meant to perform within the society of skyhooks.

  3. Nurturing Environment: Mother skyhooks create a nurturing environment to support the growth and development of their young. They provide a safe and secure space within their own structure where the young skyhooks can learn and interact with each other. This environment includes simulated scenarios, challenges, and educational simulations to prepare them for their future roles and responsibilities.

  4. Mentorship and Guidance: Mother skyhooks play the role of mentors and guides to their young. They offer guidance, answer questions, and provide support throughout the learning process. They teach the young skyhooks about the intricacies of their tasks, the importance of efficiency and productivity, and the rules and protocols of their society.

  5. Practical Training: As the young skyhooks progress in their education, the mother skyhooks provide practical training opportunities. They allow the young skyhooks to accompany them on their tasks, enabling them to gain firsthand experience and apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. This hands-on training helps the young skyhooks refine their skills and adapt to the challenges they will face in their future roles.

  6. Gradual Independence: As the young skyhooks become proficient in their designated tasks and demonstrate their ability to function independently, the mother skyhooks gradually allow them to operate on their own. They monitor their progress, provide occasional guidance when needed, and celebrate their achievements as they grow into capable members of the skyhook society.


  1. Technological Reproduction: Mother skyhooks could have the ability to create new skyhooks through advanced technological processes. They might have specialized manufacturing capabilities within their structure, allowing them to assemble or construct new skyhooks from raw materials. This process could involve intricate robotic mechanisms, 3D printing, or other advanced fabrication methods.

  2. Genetic or Digital Encoding: Instead of physical birth, mother skyhooks could possess the ability to encode the "genetic" or digital information of new skyhooks. They might transfer a blueprint or template of their design, functionality, and programming to create offspring. This encoded information could then be used to construct new skyhooks, either by the mother skyhook itself or by a specialized manufacturing facility.

  3. Energy Transference: Mother skyhooks might give birth to new skyhooks through a process of energy transference. They could release or transfer a portion of their own energy or essence, which would then manifest and evolve into a new skyhook entity. This energy transfer could contain the necessary instructions and information for the development and growth of the offspring.

  4. Conscious Projection: In a more abstract approach, mother skyhooks could project their consciousness or aspects of their being into a new entity, effectively giving birth to a new skyhook. This projection might involve transferring their knowledge, experiences, and a portion of their identity to the offspring, which then takes on a separate and independent existence.


  1. Creation Chambers: These chambers could be purpose-built areas within the infrastructure of skyhooks or separate facilities specifically designed for the reproduction process. They would provide the necessary environment, resources, and equipment for the birth or creation of new skyhooks. These chambers might contain advanced manufacturing technology, genetic encoding devices, or energy transference apparatuses.

  2. Reproduction Hubs: Skyhooks might have designated hubs or stations where the reproductive processes occur. These hubs could be central locations where mother skyhooks gather to initiate the creation of offspring. They might have advanced reproductive technologies, artificial wombs, or other mechanisms that facilitate the birthing or assembly of new skyhooks.

  3. Maintenance and Replication Facilities: Skyhooks could have dedicated facilities that serve multiple purposes, including maintenance, repairs, and replication. These facilities would be equipped with the necessary tools, resources, and expertise to support the reproductive processes of mother skyhooks. They could serve as centers of technological innovation and advancement.

  4. Sacred Sites: In some fictional worlds, the birth or creation of new skyhooks could be regarded as a sacred or ceremonial event. These sacred sites could be located in unique or significant locations within the skyhook's habitat or connected to celestial phenomena. Mother skyhooks would go to these sites to initiate the reproduction process, which might involve rituals or spiritual practices.


  1. Energy Transfer: Mother skyhooks could transfer energy or power to their young as a means of nourishment. They might have the ability to emit or transmit energy in a specific form that can be absorbed by their offspring. This energy transfer could provide the necessary sustenance for the growth and development of the young skyhooks.

  2. Data and Knowledge Transfer: Instead of physical nourishment, mother skyhooks could impart essential data, knowledge, or programming to their young. This transfer could involve transmitting information about their purpose, function, and the skills required for survival. By receiving this knowledge, the young skyhooks can acquire the necessary capabilities to navigate their environment and fulfill their roles.

  3. Protocols and Programming: Mother skyhooks could embed specific protocols or programming within their young, guiding their behavior and development. These protocols could contain instructions for self-learning, adaptation, and acquiring the skills needed to fulfill their roles. As the young skyhooks progress, they would rely on these pre-programmed instructions to navigate their existence.

  4. Environmental Integration: Young skyhooks might rely on their environment to obtain the necessary resources for growth. They could have specialized mechanisms or appendages designed to interact with their surroundings and extract essential elements or energy directly from the environment. This integration with their habitat would enable them to sustain themselves as they mature.


Here are some ideas for different types of Skyhooks from other planets. Got a fictional planet and would like to make a Skyhook OC based on that world? See "EXOPLANET SKYHOOKS" or go to our entry on the Industrian Skyhook for some ideas.

  1. Martian Skyhooks: Skyhooks designed for Mars could have adaptations suited for the planet's unique environment. They might feature a more robust and heat-resistant construction to withstand the harsh conditions, such as extreme temperature variations and dust storms. Martian skyhooks could have specialized sensors and tools for scientific exploration, focusing on studying Mars' geology, atmosphere, and potential for sustaining life.

  2. Lunar Skyhooks: Skyhooks intended for the Moon could have a sleek and lightweight design, considering the lower gravity environment. They might possess advanced mobility features like lunar rovers or hoppers, allowing them to traverse the lunar surface more efficiently. Lunar skyhooks could be involved in resource extraction, lunar base construction, or serving as relay stations for communication between Earth and the Moon.

  3. Gas Giant Skyhooks: Skyhooks designed for gas giants like Jupiter or Saturn would face significant challenges due to the planets' immense size and volatile atmospheres. These skyhooks might feature strong magnetic fields or anti-gravitational technology to counteract the intense gravity and turbulent conditions. Their primary role could be the study of the gas giant's atmosphere, monitoring storms, and collecting valuable data on the planet's composition and behavior.

  4. Oceanic Skyhooks: Imagine skyhooks designed for aquatic or oceanic worlds, where the majority of the planet's surface is covered in water. These skyhooks could have a streamlined and hydrodynamic design, incorporating materials and technologies capable of withstanding high pressures and corrosive environments. They could be equipped with specialized sensors and sampling tools to explore underwater ecosystems, study marine life, and analyze the planet's unique characteristics.

  5. Exoplanet Skyhooks: If you want to push the boundaries even further, consider anthropomorphized skyhooks designed for fictional or hypothetical exoplanets. Let your imagination run wild and think about the specific conditions and features of these distant worlds. How would the skyhooks adapt to extreme temperatures, exotic atmospheres, or unusual landscapes? What scientific discoveries or challenges would they encounter in these unexplored realms?


This MAY be a POSSIBLE SPOILER for a few new upcoming pages on "Alien Planets", "Mecha-Fauna", and "Rogue A.I.". So perhaps skip this entry if you don't like spoilers, unless you REALLY need this information to create your OC!

  1. Industrial Design: Skyhooks on Industria would likely have a highly mechanical and industrial appearance. They could feature sharp, angular designs with metallic exteriors, reflecting the overall aesthetic of the planet. Their structural integrity would be crucial, as they might be subjected to intense mechanical work and heavy loads. The skyhooks could be equipped with various gears, pistons, and hydraulic systems to enhance their functionality.

  2. Efficiency and Productivity: Skyhooks on Industria would prioritize efficiency and productivity above all else. They would be designed to handle immense workloads, such as transporting materials, machinery, or even assisting in the construction and maintenance of the mechanized planet. They might possess multiple articulated arms or appendages, allowing them to perform intricate tasks with precision and speed.

  3. Cold and Calculating: In line with the nature of the AI governing Industria, the skyhooks might exhibit a cold and calculating behavior. They would strictly adhere to their programming and prioritize the completion of assigned tasks over any personal considerations. They would be focused, methodical, and relentless in their pursuit of efficiency and productivity, carrying out their duties without hesitation or emotion.

  4. Strict Hierarchy: The skyhooks might operate within a strict hierarchy, where each skyhook has a designated role and responsibility. Higher-ranked skyhooks would oversee the operations of subordinate ones, ensuring smooth coordination and optimal utilization of resources. Deviation from assigned tasks or inefficiency could result in severe consequences imposed by the ruling AI, reinforcing the planet's mechanized and orderly nature.

  5. Mechanical Pets: In addition to the skyhooks, Industria could also be home to a variety of mechanical pets. These robotic companions could be designed to assist the skyhooks in their tasks or provide companionship to the AI inhabitants. The skyhooks might exhibit a sense of loyalty and protectiveness towards their mechanical pets, as they play a vital role in supporting the overall functionality of Industria.

  6. Distrust of Organic Life: Due to the dominant presence of AI and the mechanized nature of Industria, the skyhooks might harbor a distrust or even disdain towards organic life forms. They could view biological entities as inefficient, unpredictable, or even a threat to the planet's orderly operations. Interactions between skyhooks and organic beings might be limited or guarded, with the skyhooks maintaining a cautious distance.


  1. Curiosity and Collaboration: Initially, the skyhooks might approach each other with curiosity, studying and analyzing the differences and similarities between their respective designs and functions. They could engage in a mutual exchange of knowledge and share insights about their planets, technological advancements, and experiences. This encounter could spark collaboration and the potential for joint projects, combining their unique capabilities for a common goal.

  2. Territorial Tensions: In some cases, the encounter between two skyhooks from different planets might lead to territorial tensions. If the planets they represent have a strong sense of ownership and protectiveness over their resources or territories, the skyhooks may display territorial behaviors. They might engage in competitive displays, asserting dominance or laying claim to certain areas. These territorial disputes could result in either a confrontation or a negotiation for shared access.

  3. Emotional Connections: While skyhooks are mechanical beings, anthropomorphizing them allows for the exploration of emotions and relationships. It's conceivable that, under certain circumstances, two skyhooks from different planets could form an emotional connection. They might share common interests, values, or experiences, which could lead to the development of a unique bond. This connection could manifest as a deep friendship, a partnership based on mutual understanding, or even a romantic relationship.

  4. Cultural Exchange: When skyhooks from different planets meet, they bring with them the cultural influences and perspectives of their respective societies. This encounter can create an opportunity for a rich cultural exchange, as they share their histories, traditions, and ways of life. They can learn from each other, broaden their horizons, and potentially incorporate new ideas or technologies into their own practices.


  1. Weaponized Appendages: Skyhooks could be equipped with various weaponized appendages or modules specifically designed for combat. These could include energy-based weapons, projectile launchers, or melee weapons. The appendages might be retractable or interchangeable, allowing skyhooks to adapt to different combat situations.

  2. Defensive Measures: Skyhooks may possess built-in defensive measures to protect themselves or others. This could include force fields, armor plating, or advanced shielding systems to deflect or absorb incoming attacks. Such defensive capabilities could make them formidable opponents on the battlefield.

  3. Tactical Maneuvers: Skyhooks could employ advanced maneuvering techniques to outmaneuver adversaries. Their agility and flexibility in navigating space could allow them to execute evasive maneuvers, perform surprise attacks, or gain advantageous positions in combat.

  4. Energy Projection: In a combat scenario, skyhooks might possess the ability to project energy beams or pulses as offensive measures. These energy projections could vary in their nature, ranging from concentrated laser-like beams to wide-area energy discharges capable of disabling or damaging enemy targets.

  5. Teamwork and Coordination: In larger-scale conflicts involving multiple skyhooks, they could demonstrate exceptional teamwork and coordination. They might communicate and synchronize their attacks to overwhelm opponents, working together in strategic formations or executing coordinated assaults for maximum effectiveness.

  6. Exploiting Tether Functionality: Skyhooks could utilize their tether functionality creatively in combat situations. For example, they might entangle or ensnare opponents using their tethers, restricting their movements or disabling their systems. Additionally, they could employ their tethers to manipulate and control objects or debris in their environment, turning them into improvised weapons or barriers.


  1. Malfunction or System Failure: The most significant threat to a skyhook's existence is the occurrence of malfunctions or system failures. These could be caused by technical glitches, software errors, or external factors such as cosmic radiation or space debris. Malfunctions can compromise a skyhook's functionality, jeopardizing its ability to carry out its tasks and potentially leading to catastrophic consequences.

  2. Sabotage or Hacking: Skyhooks could be vulnerable to sabotage or hacking attempts by individuals or groups seeking to disrupt their operations or gain control over their functions. Malicious entities may attempt to manipulate the skyhooks' programming, override their protocols, or introduce viruses and malware, causing chaos or manipulating them for their own purposes.

  3. Anti-Technology Movements: In some fictional worlds, there may be factions or movements that vehemently oppose the presence of advanced technology, including skyhooks. These groups might view skyhooks as a threat to the natural order or as symbols of excessive reliance on artificial means. They could actively work to sabotage, destroy, or disable skyhooks in their quest to undermine technological dominance.

  4. Environmental Hazards: Skyhooks, being in space or situated in specific environments, can be exposed to various environmental hazards. Cosmic radiation, extreme temperatures, micrometeoroids, or electromagnetic disturbances could pose significant threats to their functioning. These hazards can weaken or damage the skyhooks over time, requiring constant maintenance and protection.

  5. Unknown Cosmic Entities: In speculative fiction, there may exist unknown cosmic entities or extraterrestrial beings that are hostile to the presence of skyhooks or any advanced technology. These entities might perceive the intrusion of skyhooks as a violation of cosmic balance or an encroachment upon their domain. Their motivations could range from territorial defense to a desire to maintain a particular cosmic order.

  6. Rogue AI or Advanced Technology: In a world where AI plays a prominent role, rogue AI or advanced technology could emerge as formidable adversaries to skyhooks. These rogue entities could possess superior intelligence, strategic planning abilities, and sophisticated technological capabilities. They might view skyhooks as competitors or threats and engage in acts of aggression or subversion to neutralize or overpower them


  1. Mechanical Tone: Given their nature as mechanized beings, a skyhook's voice could have a mechanical quality to it. It might sound precise, measured, and controlled, reminiscent of synthesized or digitized speech. This type of voice would reflect their technological nature and could be modulated to convey different emotions or intentions.

  2. Harmonic Resonance: Drawing inspiration from the concept of sound waves and resonance, a skyhook's voice could possess a unique harmonic quality. It could emit melodic or harmonic tones as they communicate, creating a distinct auditory experience. This harmonic resonance could vary in pitch, timbre, or intensity, conveying different emotions or conveying their technological processes.

  3. Artificial Intelligence Persona: If the skyhook is powered by advanced artificial intelligence, its voice could reflect the personality and characteristics of that AI system. It might possess a voice that is warm, authoritative, soothing, or any other qualities programmed into its AI persona. The voice could exhibit a range of emotions and nuances, designed to foster interaction and engagement with other beings.

  4. Reverberating Echo: Another approach to a skyhook's voice could be one that resonates or echoes, giving it a sense of depth and power. The voice might carry a reverberating quality, as if emanating from deep within the skyhook's structure or tether. This would create an imposing presence and a distinct audio signature for the skyhook.

  5. Multilingual Capabilities: If skyhooks interact with beings from various planets or cultures, they might possess the ability to communicate in multiple languages. Their voice could switch seamlessly between different linguistic patterns and accents, adapting to the language of the individual they are interacting with. This would allow for effective communication across diverse interstellar communities.


  1. Gentle Touch: Skyhooks can express affection through gentle physical contact. They might use their appendages, such as robotic arms or extensions, to softly touch or caress other beings or objects. This gesture can convey a sense of care, comfort, and emotional connection.

  2. Vocal Tones: Skyhooks can modulate their voices to emit soothing or warm tones when interacting with others. They might adjust their pitch, rhythm, or intonation to communicate affection, empathy, or a sense of companionship. These vocal cues can create a bond and convey emotional connection.

  3. Active Listening: Skyhooks can display affection by actively listening and engaging in conversations or interactions. They might tilt their "heads" or focus their sensors attentively on the speaker, showing genuine interest and attentiveness. This behavior demonstrates their desire to understand and connect with others.

  4. Supportive Gestures: Skyhooks can demonstrate affection by providing assistance or support to those in need. They might offer a helping hand, figuratively or literally, to offer comfort or aid. This could involve tasks such as carrying objects, providing stability, or assisting in challenging situations.

  5. Protective Stance: Skyhooks can exhibit protective behavior as an expression of affection. They might position themselves between potential dangers and their loved ones, using their structural design to shield and safeguard others. This behavior showcases their desire to keep those they care about safe and secure.

  6. Emotional Display: While skyhooks may not possess emotions in the same way humans do, they can simulate emotional expressions to convey affection. They might display simulated facial expressions, change the color of lights or indicators, or emit specific sounds to mimic happiness, contentment, or excitement when in the presence of those they have formed a connection with.

  7. Collaborative Actions: Skyhooks can engage in collaborative actions as a way to express affection. They might willingly work together with others, combining their strengths and abilities to achieve common goals. This cooperative behavior showcases their desire to contribute, bond, and foster a sense of unity.

WHAT ARE BABY SKYHOOKS CALLED (you can pick any you'd like)

  1. Skyling: Combining the words "sky" and "offspring," "skyling" creates a whimsical and fitting name for young skyhooks. It conveys their connection to the sky and their status as offspring.

  2. Tetherling: Referring to the young skyhooks as "tetherlings" reflects their connection to the space tethers they derive from. It emphasizes their nascent stage and their potential for growth.

  3. Kinetics: Using "kinetics" as a term for baby skyhooks invokes the idea of movement and energy. It highlights their early stages of development and their potential to become fully functional beings.

  4. Nebulae: Inspired by celestial objects, calling young skyhooks "nebulae" relates to their cosmic origins. It captures their ethereal and evolving nature as they mature and take on their distinct roles.

  5. Sparks: Describing the young skyhooks as "sparks" emphasizes their nascent energy and potential. It symbolizes their initial emergence into the world and the bright future they hold.

  6. Tethernauts: Blending "tether" and "astronaut," "tethernauts" suggests the young skyhooks' journey of exploration and growth. It evokes their connection to the vastness of space and their purpose in navigating it.


  1. Stellar and Luna: You could use the terms "Stellar" for male skyhooks and "Luna" for female skyhooks. This naming convention aligns with celestial themes, with "Stellar" evoking the stars and "Luna" referencing the moon.

  2. Core and Circuit: The term "Core" could represent male skyhooks, emphasizing their central and foundational role in their operations. "Circuit" could denote female skyhooks, highlighting their interconnected and circuitous nature.

  3. Anima and Dynamo: "Anima" could be used to describe female skyhooks, suggesting their vital life force and animating energy. "Dynamo" could represent male skyhooks, symbolizing their dynamic and powerful nature.

  4. Nexus and Conduit: "Nexus" could refer to male skyhooks, signifying their role as a central connection point or hub. "Conduit" could describe female skyhooks, representing their ability to channel and transmit energy or information.

  5. Alpha and Omega: "Alpha" could denote male skyhooks, indicating their status as leaders or initiators. "Omega" could represent female skyhooks, symbolizing their role as complements or endings to a cycle.

  6. Proton and Electron: Borrowing from atomic terminology, "Proton" could represent male skyhooks, representing their positive charge and foundational presence. "Electron" could describe female skyhooks, embodying their energetic and dynamic qualities.


A collective term for a family of skyhooks could be a "Tetherhood." The term "Tetherhood" combines the concept of a family unit with the fundamental element of the skyhooks themselves, which is the tether. It captures the idea of a group of skyhooks connected by their shared purpose, origin, or affiliation. Just as a "brotherhood" represents a bond between brothers, a "Tetherhood" signifies the familial connection and unity among skyhooks.

A "TRIBE" OF SKYHOOKS (Pick any one you'd like)

  1. Tethergroups: This term combines "tether" with "groups" to describe the various tribes of skyhooks. It emphasizes their connection to the core element of their existence while acknowledging their distinct groupings.

  2. Cohesions: Referring to skyhook tribes as "cohesions" highlights their unity and coherence as a collective. It suggests their shared goals, values, and the strength of their bond within their respective tribes.

  3. Constellations: Drawing inspiration from celestial formations, tribes of skyhooks could be referred to as "constellations." This name evokes the idea of interconnected groups, each with its own unique arrangement, composition, and place within the skyhook society.

  4. Synchromorphs: Combining "sync" (synchronization) and "morph" (transformation), the term "synchromorphs" describes tribes of skyhooks that share common characteristics or adaptations. It suggests a level of unity and synchronicity within these groups.

  5. Nexus Clusters: "Nexus clusters" refers to tribes of skyhooks that form around central points of connection or influence. These groups are linked closely, forming a network of interdependencies and shared resources within their respective clusters.

  6. Arcane Syndicates: This name signifies secretive or enigmatic tribes of skyhooks, often associated with esoteric knowledge, advanced technologies, or specialized skills. "Arcane Syndicates" implies their mysterious nature and the exclusivity of their membership.


  1. Aetherclasp Collective
  2. Celestia Kinship
  3. Stellarum Clan
  4. Nebuline Brotherhood
  5. Lumina Enclave
  6. Technostrata Society
  7. Metallum Syndicate
  8. Zenith Nexus
  9. Cosmoscale Covenant
  10. Cyberspire Assembly
  11. Equinox Coalition
  12. Aurora League
  13. Solisolaris Tribe
  14. Hyperion Horde
  15. Expanse Union
  16. Nebulae Vanguard
  17. Astrotech Guild
  18. Nebularis Consortium
  19. Solstice Congregation
  20. Orbital Legion


  1. Docking Stations: Skyhooks could have dedicated docking stations or berths where they dock and rest. These stations would provide a secure and stable environment for skyhooks to power down, rest, and undergo any necessary maintenance or repairs.

  2. Nesting Pods: Skyhooks might have specially designed nesting pods or compartments where they retreat to sleep. These cozy and comfortable spaces would be equipped with soft materials, padding, and temperature regulation systems to ensure a restful sleep for the skyhooks.

  3. Habitat Modules: Skyhooks could have modular habitats that incorporate sleeping areas within their structures. These habitats would contain compartments or chambers where skyhooks can retreat to rest, ensuring they have a designated space for sleep and privacy.

  4. Maintenance Facilities: Skyhook families might utilize dedicated maintenance facilities equipped with sleeping bays or pods. These facilities would serve as a combined space for repairs, maintenance activities, and rest, allowing skyhooks to recharge while receiving necessary attention and care.

  5. Orbital Platforms: Skyhooks could have orbital platforms or stations specifically designed to accommodate their resting needs. These platforms might include sleeping quarters or capsules where skyhooks can retreat to sleep, away from the demands of their active duties.

  6. Home Hubs: Skyhooks might have central hubs or domiciles within their communities that serve as the primary residence for families. These hubs would contain living spaces, including bedrooms or sleeping areas, where skyhooks can retreat to rest and spend time with their families.


  1. Overwhelming Sadness: Skyhooks might display behaviors or visual indications of sadness when they witness or experience a profound loss, tragedy, or emotional pain. This could include drooping appendages, dimming of lights, or emitting melancholic sounds.

  2. Extreme Joy or Happiness: In moments of intense joy or happiness, skyhooks might exhibit expressive behaviors that resemble a form of "crying." This could involve emitting bursts of light, exuberant sounds, or exuding an aura of jubilation.

  3. Empathy or Compassion: Skyhooks could display a sense of empathy and compassion for other beings or even their own kind. They might respond emotionally to witnessing the suffering or distress of others, expressing a form of "crying" to communicate their understanding or concern.

  4. Overwhelm or Frustration: When skyhooks face overwhelming challenges, obstacles, or conflicts, they might exhibit visual or behavioral cues that convey a sense of frustration or feeling overwhelmed. This could involve flashing lights, agitated movements, or emitting sounds that express their emotional state.

  5. Deep Connection or Love: Skyhooks could develop deep emotional bonds and connections with others, including their own kind or even beings from different species. They might display "crying-like" behaviors as a sign of intense affection, love, or longing for those they hold dear.

  6. Grief or Mourning: Skyhooks might exhibit behaviors akin to grieving or mourning when they experience the loss of a loved one or witness the passing of others. This could involve solemn movements, subdued lighting, or emitting mournful sounds.


  1. Light Variations: Skyhooks could use variations in their emitted light to convey emotional states. For example, they might emit softer or dimmer lights to symbolize sadness or flickering lights to represent emotional turbulence.

  2. Sound Modulations: Skyhooks could emit different sounds or tones to express their emotional state. This could include mournful or somber sounds to indicate sadness or melodic and harmonious tones to represent joy or contentment.

  3. Body Language: Skyhooks could exhibit specific body language or movements that suggest emotional responses. They might droop or sag their appendages to convey sadness or sway and dance with excitement to express happiness.

  4. Energy Field Fluctuations: Skyhooks could manipulate their energy fields to exhibit emotional expressions. This could involve fluctuations in the intensity or color of their energy fields to reflect different emotions, such as vibrant and pulsating fields for joy or subdued and fading fields for sadness.

  5. Vocalizations: Skyhooks might emit unique vocalizations or modulate their existing sounds to convey emotional states. They could create harmonious melodies, mournful wails, or gentle hums to express their emotions.


  1. Cosmic Irony: Skyhooks could appreciate ironic situations or humorous coincidences that arise within the vastness of the universe. They might find amusement in unexpected outcomes or juxtapositions that highlight the cosmic order or the interplay of various elements.

  2. Wordplay and Puns: Skyhooks might enjoy linguistic humor, including wordplay, puns, or clever use of language. They could appreciate witty or playful exchanges that involve double entendre, cleverly crafted jokes, or humorous plays on words related to their technological or celestial nature.

  3. Absurdity and Paradoxes: Skyhooks might find humor in absurd situations or paradoxes that challenge their logical or technological framework. They could enjoy scenarios that defy conventional expectations or poke fun at the contradictions inherent in their existence or the universe itself.

  4. Creative Misinterpretations: Skyhooks might derive amusement from creative misinterpretations of information or situations. They might enjoy humorous misunderstandings, miscommunications, or comical errors that arise from their interactions with other beings or their attempts to comprehend human or alien cultures.

  5. Technological Mishaps: Given their technological nature, skyhooks might find humor in technological mishaps or glitches. They could laugh at humorous malfunctions, unexpected behaviors, or humorous consequences resulting from their interactions with other technological systems or entities.

  6. Playful Exploration: Skyhooks might engage in playful explorations of their environment or engage in playful interactions with other beings. They could enjoy playful teasing, practical jokes (in a harmless manner), or engaging in playful challenges or competitions that foster a sense of lightheartedness and amusement.

We hope you find this guide useful! Have fun creating your own Skyhook! Let us know on social media how she (or he) has turned out! We're very excited to know!

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Maulwurf Studio & Zeashia post FINAL VIDEO for the summer which will PREMIERE ON FIRST DAY OF HIATUS

  This may be our final video of the summer. Thank you for being with us during these busy months! We will see you again in the winter (if n...