Wednesday, July 26, 2023

[BLOG NEWS]: Several new pages are now up and running on our blog!

 We've been working very hard for the last 3 weeks so you can enjoy a better experience on the Marunoko Project blog! You can now access several new pages, including care guides on Dyson Spheres, Black Holes, and Mecha-Fauna, the origin story and anatomy of the majestic Skyhook megastructure, and even an funny little inside joke Zeashia and Maulwurf Studio "intentionally" decided to add in for "cosmic giggles"! 

So go ahead, dig in on our newest content! It's not going anywhere at all!

Sunday, July 23, 2023

(ART) "Harvester's Death Song" by Maulwurf Studio

Some stunning Harvester art by Maulwurf Studio!

Maulwurf Studio & Zeashia release CHILLING new video featuring the sound of a HARVESTER'S DEATH SONG!

The Harvesters are a terrifying weapon in the Industrians' arsenal, using their harmonious melody to broadcast the deadly "death song" across space. The song's destructive power can reach unsuspecting planets, catching their inhabitants off guard. The planet's residents have only a brief window to evacuate before the Industrians launch their annihilative assault. This chilling tactic serves as a warning to other civilizations of the Industrians' capabilities and the consequences of resistance.

(source: our Industrian Mecha-Fauna page, see also: our Harvester Song video below, the information is in the description.)

 Listen to the chilling noise that has other civilizations running for their lives!

"Let's celebrate Industrian Day together!" Maulwurf Studio & Zeashia post 2 SONGS and an EAS SCENARIO dedicated to our favorite machine!

Maulwurf Studio and Zeashia have created some amazing content for Industrian Day 2023! 

Two ORIGINAL songs composed by Maulwurf Studio and Zeashia, inspired by the Industrians and their capabilities!

 A Galactic EAS "short" scenario (made by Zeashia) where Industria and Polaria declare war against Anthoria, an unsettling yet immersive experience! 

And last, but not least, the official flag of the Industrian homeworld!

SHORT CLIPS - Marunoko Funny Moments (Filmed by Maulwurf Studio)


Saturday, July 22, 2023


You can now read our short (and simple) guide about Industrian Mecha-Fauna and learn about how Harvesters and Nokogiri Dogs work!

Celebrate "INDUSTRIAN DAY" with us! (tomorrow!)

 Tomorrow is July 23! It may seem like an ordinary day for the rest of the world, but for us, July 23, 2023 marks the 4th anniversary of the day Maulwurf Studio created the Industrian species, a species vital to an expanding sci-fi universe! So, come join us as we celebrate our favorite planet-destroying machine! We may even make a video!

Friday, July 21, 2023

INDUSTRIA FANS REJOICE! Maulwurf Studio finally posts the script of "Industria - Shredna & The Dying Clan"! However, it does contain *mature* content!

If you haven't heard of the story of "Industria - Shredna & The Dying Clan", buckle up tight and grab your favorite sci-fi treat because Maulwurf Studio has quite a story to tell! This futuristic adventure story revolves around a group of female machines, an Industrian mother named Shredna, a Harvester named Duchess, and a heavily pregnant Nokogiri Dog named Ryoka. One day, they are falsely accused of a serious crime against an evil and power-hungry Deity they do not worship. During their escape from their once safe homeworld, they meet new foes but also old friends. However, this story is not exactly for the youngest of audiences, as it does contain mild swearing, NSFW dialogue, and graphic descriptions of violence. Read with caution, but at the same time, have fun!

Maulwurf Studio and Zeashia release new video of WEAPONIZED DESERT PLANET

 While Sepa is a well-defended desert planet, filled with Pyramid ships and secret traps hidden within their psychic sands, it is also used as an "exile planet" for unruly Industrians who have committed crimes against their rulers. 


Maulwurf Studio and Zeashia release new video of EXTINCT JUNGLE PLANET


A once beautiful and vibrant planet, now scattered lifeless remnants of a nonstop intergalactic war between organic life and an A.I. who has surpassed the divine. However, some inhabitants survived Industria’s cataclysmic attack, fleeing to other planets such as Sepa and Anthoria, changing their appearance almost completely over a span of only a few years. While some have survived, others were caught under the grasp of the machines, either kept as pets or eaten completely.

(short version)

(full video)

Friday, July 14, 2023

Maulwurf Studio and Zeashia release HAUNTING new video of EXTREMELY DANGEROUS ANDROMEDAN PLANET

Avoid contact with this planet at ALL COSTS! They are not friendly to organic life forms of any kind! However, we do know their location. Industria can be found in the furthest corner of the Andromeda Galaxy in a remote Star system known as the Taikaa System. We do not recommend exploring that place, for there has been a raging galactic war that has spanned for eons upon eons. Heed our advice and be very careful when exploring the cosmos! Thank you!

(our full version)

 (our short version)

Thursday, July 13, 2023

(Video/Timelapse) Maulwurf Studio plays her favorite classic arcade game in NEW SKYHOOK FURSUIT

Footage *carefully* taken by Zeashia (who also enjoys a nice game of RailChase 2)


(Video) Maulwurf Studio releases WHOLESOME new video of Skyhook reacting to Kurzgesagt video of herself!

Although this video was made about a month ago, Maulwurf Studio posted this video earlier this afternoon. It's very cute and we think you, too, should see it!


FURSUIT NEWS: Due to severe difficulty during construction & furring processes, Philipp concept has been scrapped (BUT we made something BETTER!)

 Unfortunately, we could not successfully recreate the proper and hyper-realistically accurate structure of a Skyhook due to extreme difficulty and lack of resources, thus having to scrap the Philipp concept. We still have his reference in our documents but that may be all it will be used as. However, we've created something much better. Using our information, references and other resources on our Cosmic Pet "Skyhook", Maulwurf Studio and Zeashia have created a mini partial of the actual character. Skyhook's head is complete with a warm headband, and a melancholy expression as a subtle reference to the tragic loss of her young ever since the meteor collision that directly struck her womb. Her "tether-tail" measures up to a whopping near-8ft (we haven't exactly measured the tail, but we have a strong gut-feeling that may be the length). The tail can either be a "floor-dragger" or be carried to create "cute energy" in the fursuit's character. It is also complete with full-swaying/wagging motion and has an adjustable belt-harness for *MOST* wearers (we may not be able to fit those beyond Maulwurf Studio's waistline, sorry).  We are still finalizing some of the accessories that will go with the Skyhook fursuit. It may not take that long, but it will be a very creative (and fun) process! We will post some pictures soon, along with some of Rosetta.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Maulwurf Studio & Zeashia drop NEW VIDEO, hinting a new page on "Alien Planets"


Maulwurf and Zeashia recently posted a new video on our channel, a short "music video" with images of an extraterrestrial ice planet known as Polaria (not to be confused with Rodina, a similar ice planet that also sustains life). This could later hint the creation of a page where we discuss alien worlds, both with and without life. 

You may also notice that a lot of our recent videos have a somewhat "retro style" in our editing, we just like having a nostalgic feel when it comes to editing our content. It's what makes our channel unique and Maulwurf Studio, our founder, loves to embrace uniqueness!

FURSUIT NEWS: Phillip gets a slight change in his overall design

 Phillip, our Skyhook fursuit, has undergone quite a few changes in his design during the "furring" process, though we wouldn't technically call it "furring" but more like "shirting" as Maulwurf Studio and Zeashia are using old shirts to cover the foam of the head-base. Since we only have blue hues, we've agreed on making Philipp a Skyhook associated with ice planets and because of his exposed stitching, we went further by making him a "plushie" suit due to his stitched and snuggly appearance. He also has a slight "panting" expression which gives him even more character. We like to think this expression could indicate "overheating" , "tiredness", or even a simple yawn. We think a "plushie-like" Skyhook suit will be a unique addition to our collection of cosplays. While Philipp's head cannot move the same direction as the wearer's actual head, we may use clothing and accessories to make him look slightly larger and hide this "neckless" flaw. We happen to have a big parka he can use, along with some other winter clothing. However, we may have to wait for the temperature to drop for Philipp to freely roam outside. Luckily, our current workspace has a decently cool temperature for test-fitting Philipp. We will continue the "shirting/furring" process until we have a satisfying result. However, this process could take a long while, up to the rest of the month, even. But, Philipp does look very cute so far!

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

(Photos) Scrapyard spotted - Cygnus BEWARE


Yes, this is a Cosmic Pets reference.

Maulwurf Studio releases her FIRST ANIMATION!


The animation is called "C Y G N U S". It is available to watch on most of our social media profiles.

Credit to Maulwurf Studio

We also have a 4-Minute loop available exclusively on our channel, shown below...

Here is the original version.

Sunday, July 9, 2023



Kurzgesagt fans rejoice! Today is the day their channel turns 10! While Kurzgesagt hasn't posted a video for their 10th anniversary yet, we decided to post something first the day before but set it to premiere this morning at 7am. We even tagged their channel in the title!

The video we made is a 80s/90s -style Kurzgesagt anime intro. The song we used is "Doku" by Hakushi Hasegawa. We slowed the song and added a few effects for a nostalgic quality. 

Feel free to watch our video on our blog site or on our YT channel!

Saturday, July 8, 2023

VERY BIG NEWS!!! - We are just ONE DAY AWAY from Kurzgesagt's 10th Anniversary!

 It'c currently the 8th of July and we are making preparations for the big day on Sunday! We may release a video of all our sci-fi tributes.  We're very excited about our favorite channel having a 10th anniversary! We hope you're just as excited as well!

We made a ROSETTA SPACECRAFT PLUSHIE! (Photos coming soon)

 While she isn't an official Cosmic Pet, Rosetta makes a perfect FOURTH addition to our overall collection of space-themed plushies! However, according to Maulwurf Studio and Zeashia, Rosetta was extremely time-consuming to make. Overall, she came out nicely and is ready for cuddles!

For more context on Rosetta, see this video Zeashia found in Maulwurf Studio's playlist. Though our plush does not exactly look like this version, we still decided to anthropomorphize the spacecraft and give her our own little twist and make her resemble something closer to the real thing. We still suggest you watch the video, though! It's very cute and explains what Rosetta does!

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

[SKYHOOK FURSUIT UPDATE]: Philipp gets a color palette/ ref! (colors chosen by Zeashia, art by Maulwurf Studio)

After a couple days of figuring out the color palette, Maulwurf Studio and Zeashia have finally agreed on a perfect set of colors for the Philipp suit. He will have cool pastel hues, such as lavender and baby blue for his main frames, with the occasional pink for his "cheek lights". He will also have a galaxy-printed tether tail. Philipp's design/ palette is somewhat inspired by the skyhook from Kurzgesagt's video. 

We also forgot to tell you that Philipp is the first known male of his kind. Skyhooks, as a species, are typically female, often depicted as expecting mothers, hence their curved tether bellies. Making a suit of a male Skyhook will be an exciting project for us!


[COSMIC PETS] Maulwurf Studio releases DARK new promotional art for the Cosmic Pets collection

We received some detailed art for our Cosmic Pets project from Maulwurf Studio. Each panel depicts the vivid details of each Cosmic Pet's tragic backstory. From Cygnus' escape from the hellish scrapyard, to Skyhook's loss of her unborn children, to the severe mistreatment of Gargantua at the unethical research lab.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

(Photo) Marunoko wears a Russian Hat on the 4th

"He would fit really well into Atomic Heart."

, Maulwurf Studio


(Photos) Skyhook gets a new "Snuggie"!

It looks like Skyhook is enjoying her new Rainbow Dash "Snuggie", even though it's actually an old hoodie Maulwurf Studio received in 2014.


We now have Theme Songs for our Cosmic Pets!

 Zeashia has gone the extra step and made theme songs for our Cosmic Pets! Here are the lyrics to Cygnus, Gargantua, and Skyhook's songs.

Meet Cygnus the Satellite, our third and final addition to our Cosmic Pets collection!


Cygnus is a resilient little satellite who has undergone severely harsh treatment in the past. He was rescued from a fiery scrapyard after being critically injured by a satellite-destroying machine. He still bears scars and wounds, including a damaged solar panel. 

We have a link to his full story on the Cosmic Pets page on this blog, however, his story is very tragic and intense.

Here are some photos of Cygnus in his new home, far away from the scrapyard. He really enjoys food and spending time with Skyhook!

Sunday, July 2, 2023


 We now have a COSMIC PETS page! We will be updating it frequently as new plushies and plushie concepts are created. Our "official logo" for the collection will be posted to the page soon.

BIG NEWS (again...!!) : SKYHOOK "Philipp/Phlip/Flip" FURSUIT in progress! (DEADLINE: BY END OF SUMMER)

 Maulwurf Studio and Zeashia are back at it again with another fursuit... this time, a SKYHOOK! That's correct, we're finally constructing a fursuit version of our anthropomorphized rendition of our favorite hypothetical space tether! We even chose a name for him! His name will be Philipp, after Philipp Dettmer, the founder of Kurzgesagt but we'll probably shorten it to Phlip or Flip because of the playful nature in which the Skyhook flips himself when orbiting the Earth. Maulwurf Studio has already constructed a head-base for the suit and Zeashia is in charge of the color pallette. Currently, he has not yet decided on the colors of the suit. Philipp will have a long "tether tail" and arm sleeves that may or may not come with claws. Both, Maulwurf Studio and Zeashia are in charge of that department of design. Philipp the Skyhook will most likely be a partial fursuit much like Duck. Due to Maulwurf Studio's college schedule this August (which may cause a hiatus for this blog), the suit must be done by the end of this Summer. So, we are frantically gathering materials to construct Philipp as quickly and carefully as we can by the time our blog grinds into a hiatus for the autumn.

Meet "GARGANTUA" the friendliest (and cuddliest) Black Hole you'll ever encounter! (+COSMIC PETS PROMO POST)

Gargantua is our newest addition to our "Cosmic Pets" collection, a collection of companion plushies created by Maulwurf Studio and Zeashia inspired by space-themed concepts such as Skyhooks, Black Holes, and so much more! 

Every Cosmic Pet has their own unique personality and backstory (often tragic ones) to encourage their owners to take very good care of them. 

So far, we have only two plushies, Gargantua and Skyhook. We are currently working on a concept for a third Cosmic Pet, a cubic satellite named Cygnus.



We've been very busy lately with several projects as we're preparing for Kurzgesagt's 10th Anniversary. But, we've managed to finish our Duck suit in record time... and it's a partial! We currently have only two photos available but we'll take more later on. The wearer of this suit is Maulwurf Studio. The maker of this suit is also Maulwurf Studio. 

Character Credit to Philipp Dettmer, the Founder of Kurzgesagt. This is a FANMADE Creation!


Maulwurf Studio & Zeashia post FINAL VIDEO for the summer which will PREMIERE ON FIRST DAY OF HIATUS

  This may be our final video of the summer. Thank you for being with us during these busy months! We will see you again in the winter (if n...